About | Point-Blanc
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Wear Your Surroundings.

Point-Blanc truly believes in using all-natural and sustainable products in our collections.  Not only are these materials comfortable, but they also make an impact on our surroundings.  Organic cotton alone emits 78% less carbon emissions when compared to artificial alternatives.  Trying to keep our products and our packaging sustainable is at the heart of Point Blanc.  Your support for our mission helps discover new forms of sustainable manufacturing for a better cleaner future.  Thank you for joining us in our movement!

Brand Mission

About Our Designs.

Point-Blanc offers timeless and fashion-forward pieces, inspired by everyday beauty.  Every line is represented by various designs, which have developed from ideas to realities. Our goal is to create fresh and exclusive designs that each wearer can adapt to freely express their own unique and creative style. Products are printed right as they are purchased ensuring that we remove any warehousing waste.  Thank you for joining us in our sustainable movement! 

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